🙋🏻‍♀️ Hi again, it's Sophia Le

I’m a Vietnamese American writer based out of the Pacific Northwest. If this is your first time here, welcome! Like any guest visiting my home, you’ll notice my little corner of the Internet is a little cluttered and disorganized, but that I put a lot of heart and intention into everything I publish.

📰 About the Newsletter

I grew this list from a group of friends who were interested in a Vietnamese cooking blog, and then set the project aside to draft a novel in 2022. People kept asking for updates, so I started writing about everything I’ve learned so far about creativity, productivity, and defining success on my own terms.

🗣"It's a quick easy read about ordinary life and writing."

Here's what long-time newsletter subscribers are saying:

Probably the only posts I read regularly from a writer. I especially like your honesty and raw telling how it really is for you.
You give me permission to not have to be CAREER CAREER CAREER and contain multitudes.
Writing journeys aren’t linear and I like hearing how you balance all parts of your identity. I appreciate your down-to-earth approach!
The fun, humor, life you put into your words makes it so playful and fun while also making me feel like I can be more creative too.
You give a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes real life stuff that makes writing possible that other people who document their creative work either gloss over or downplay or conveniently leave out. There's a vulnerability and realness there.

ℹ️ A Little More About Me

When I’m not writing my book or this newsletter, you’ll probably find me lifting weights in the gym, experimenting in the kitchen, or coaxing my daughter away from her latest art project to explore an indie bookstore. Occasionally, we allow her dad—my husband—to come along 😉

In all seriousness, he's the reason I'm able to pursue this path. It took a decade for his premonition about my writing a book to manifest, and it's still too early to determine whether I will ever "make it" or achieve commercial success as a novelist. But as Kermit the Frog once said to Miss Piggy:

Maybe you don’t need the whole world to love you. Maybe you just need one person.
Seriously, I'm shocked at how much I still like him after 20 years. (Also, yes, I know he looks like David Harbour. No, I haven't seen Stranger Things.)

⏪ Before I Was A Writer, I Was...

a) An emergency manager
b) A research assistant
c) A tech copywriter
d) All of the above

(If you're confused why D is the correct answer, don't worry—my family can't keep track either 🤷🏻‍♀️)

❓So...Where Can I Buy One of Your Books?

After years of beating myself up for not writing faster, I’m fully embracing the no-deadline life, and intend to pursue traditional publishing—which involves pitching agents, who then pitch it to a publisher. So it might be years before you see anything on Amazon!

In other words? Subscribing to the newsletter is the best way to support my work ⬇️

P.S. If email’s not your thing, I sporadically post on Instagram.